El atlal Oum Kalsoum

Oriental Dancer

Arabic song and lyrics and translation,
pleins de chansons de différents chanteurs classés par orde alphabétique.
Avec la vidéo, la translittération en arabe et la traduction.

"This blog, arabicmusictranslation.com
(formerly musicarabi.blogspot.com), is dedicated to generating original translations of Arabic song lyrics into English. I founded the site in March 2007 as a project to help improve my Arabic knowledge in my continued study of Arabic language (I am a native speaker of English, not of Arabic). At present, this is the largest single source for original Arabic song translations on the web. While I don't make any claims that these translations are perfect, in fact they are certainly full of mistakes, I assure that I give my best effort on each one and do not translate songs unless I am quite clear about the meanings. This being said, suggestions and corrections are greatly appreciated."

Golden Arabic Lyrics
"Welcome to Golden Arabic Lyrics!
A website dedicated to arabic music listeners who need to sing-along with their favourite tunes!
Browse through the lyrics by clicking for the singers using the alphabets on the left.
We will update you with new lyrics/singers we add below.
You can also choose to have a RSS Feed of this site which will update you as soon as we've modified this site. This may include correction to existing lyrics here or adding new lyrics/singers."

"This menu leads to over 200 song translations for Middle Eastern music. Some of these songs are suitable for Oriental dance (belly dancing), while others are Islamic religious music and must never be used for dance performances! "


"Lyricspedia is a free music lyrics encyclopedia, music universe leader and a goal of every lyrics seeker out there. You can find song lyrics to various music genres and types, including country lyrics, rap lyrics, hip-hop music lyrics, lyrics to pop and rock music, love songs, blues, gospel, soul, reggae and many more music styles. A lot of unknown and underground artists, bands, musicians and other performers work can be found on this, completely free of charge, searchable music lyrics encyclopedia. Find all your lyrics right now!"


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